What is a Photo Voice Project?
“The heart of photovoice is the intermingling of images and words. This blending of images and words is not a new idea. In fact, we humans have used different kinds of images and words to express what we need, what we fear, what we cherish, what we dream of and all sorts of other ideas for as far back as we know. Photovoice is one recent example using this form of expression.”
From “A Practical Guide to PhotoVoice: Sharing Pictures, Telling Stories and Changing Communities” (PDF link).
The Process
Photo voice methodology is a process that involves the structured use of photographs to identify and analyze salient issues from standpoints that are often unheard or underrepresented, particularly youth.
Participants choose or create a photo that resonates with them on a particular issue or subject in order to express, validate, reflect on, and share their particular lived experiences and to recognize these experiences as valuable sources of knowledge for both individuals and collectives.
For more on integrating photo voice projects in the classroom, see: Photo Voice as Feminist Pedagogy: Part I (Macdonald, F. (Forthcoming in Feminsting in Political Science: A Manifesta for Change). Edited by Fiona MacDonald, Alana Cattapan, Nisha Natha, Ethel Tungohan, and Stephanie Paterson. University of Alberta Press. - contact Fiona Macdonald).